




MAN  is a German transportation company.
The MAN Group is mostly known for producing buses and trucks though the group is primarily involved in engineering activities

In 1898 the Maschinenbau-AG Nürnberg (founded in 1841) and the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg AG (founded in 1840) merged to become the Vereinigte Maschinenfabrik Augsburg und Maschinenbaugesellschaft Nürnberg A.G., Augsburg. The company was renamed in 1908 to Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG, Augsburg (M.A.N.).
Today it is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of engineering equipment and vehicles. In 2005, its 60,000 employees generated annual sales of around €15 billion in 120 different countries. The company has joint ventures and other cooperations with local companies in India, Poland, Turkey, and the United States.
MAN is listed on the DAX and is well respected [attribution needed] in the field of transport engineering, having won numerous prizes. The latest ones achieved were in 2006 with the title "Truck of the year" and "coach of the year".[citation needed]
On September 18, 2006, MAN made a €10.3 billion offer for a takeover of Scania AB, one of the leading truck and bus companies in Sweden. MAN AG bought 14.8% of the voting shares in Scania AB. Volkswagen AG, Scania's largest shareholder, acquired a stake of 20% of MAN, and has since raised that stake to 29%. It is expected that a combined MAN-Scania will also absorb Volkswagen's Brazilian Heavy Truck operations.